I Have Never Been Eloquent

Moses said, “I have never been eloquent,…I am slow of speech and tongue.” The Lord said to him,”…go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
Exodus 4: 10-12 (NIV)
This verse has never been one that was hard for me to grasp, because I, like Moses, have never been blessed with the gift of expressing myself in speaking!
However, this verse to me is about far more than the Lord giving me words to speak when I don’t have the ability in myself  to do so.
It is about any time and every time that I have been put into a situation or a position where I have felt inadequate in my own strength or just plain afraid of the possible outcome.
As an example: I will never forget the first move Tim and I made to the Yukon in the dead of Winter. We were driving the largest U-Haul one could rent, and also pulling our car behind that!
The roads were snow packed and in many places slick. Every time we would be coming down a steep mountain pass I would be gripped with fear just knowing that  we were going to slide off of the road and disappear into the abbess of trees below never to be found, seen or heard of again.
Then there was that moment just before being wheeled into surgery; I remember wanting to jump right off of the table and say, “Forget it, I can’t do this.” “I’m too afraid of the pain I’m going to encounter when this is all over.”
You’ve been there, you know what I’m talking about..
There were those times when I found myself in job positions where I thought  certain some of my employees had to be the devil incarnate! Honestly, how else could a person be so ugly, hateful and just plain disrespectful?
But looking back on all of these instances and so many more, I see where the Lord’ hand was in it all.
When I was frightened on that mountain or in that surgery room, he saw me through and he gave me courage.
When I was overwhelmed by the ugliness and what felt like the evilness of others, he empowered me with the strength and the wisdom to deal with it. And he gave me the victory!
I don’t know about you, but I don’t like being put in situations where I am stretched beyond my abilities. I like living in my own comfortable skin. I like doing what I’m good at and not being asked by God or anyone else to have to deal with what’s uncomfortable for me, or scary, or hard.
I realize that as adults we become less daring; maybe even less confident.
But think about it…..How is it that we were ever able to walk? Well, I suppose it’s because we stood up, we fell a few times and decided that walking was so much better than crawling was. It was the same when learning to ride a bike….We wrecked, we got cuts and bruises, but in the end the joy and the freedom that pedaling that bike brought to us made it all well worth it.
I personally need to quit letting age, fear and inadequacy become an excuse for not stepping out in faith and allowing the Lord to bring something new into my life.
I know that many of us have memorized the verse  Philippians 4: 13
 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Maybe NOW is the time to really put this verse into action in our lives and truly trust the Lord to do just exactly what he promises he will do in us, and for us!

18 thoughts on “I Have Never Been Eloquent

  1. Kimberly, I can empathise with you so well!!! Maybe I need some faith too, as I struggle to find courage to deal with situations that are scary, rude people, danger, and more. Love your words about the snowy road and the huge U-Haul!! Hang in there, your spring weather is on its way. So many thanks for today's words, greetings from Jean


  2. A very good and thoughtful post Kimberly. Thanks for sharing it. I'm like you too. I get too comfortable and am afraid of where God will lead me if I truly let Him. Blessings to you. Pam


  3. This is so true/ fear can cripple. I constantly remind myself that God is with me–Emmanuel. It is a great comfort. I also have found this prayer to be helpful. Someone who was going through cancer shared it with those of us who have been praying: Let me use disappointment as material for patience:Let me use success as material for thankfulness:Let me use suspense as material for perseverance:Let me use danger as material for courage:Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering:Let me use praise as material for humility:Let me use pleasures as material for temperance:Let me use pains as material for endurance. {John Baillie]


  4. I am with you, Kimberly. I hesitate to put into words what I am thinking sometimes. I hide the fears and hug them close rather than voice them. I do trust the Lord but sometimes want to grab that control back after I give it over to him. xo Diana


  5. Beautiful post Kimberly. It's amazing just how many of your friends can identify with what you have written. I, myself, was quite touched and you could have been writing about me. As you know, our winter has been rather harsh this year and it is getting to me as I am not able to get out as much, as I don't drive, and my creative juices are beginning to dry up, so I'm trusting that the Lord will sustain me until Spring so I can get my mojo back. Hope the grandkids are doing okay now. Hugs, Chrishttp://chelencarter-retiredandlovingit.blogspot.ca/


  6. For someone who sometimes can't find words to express their feelings at a certain moment, you have definitely found them today, for so many of us, and so very eloquently, indeed. Your three examples speak volumes on the challenges that fear or anxiety bestow on us, but also on faith and trust, in yourself and in God. I find whenever I speak to Him, I somehow, am never at a loss for words.Thanks for sharing Kimberly and have a wonderful week.Poppy


  7. You go girl! I have that verse memorized too and I have used it many a time…repeating it over and over. I can look back now and see how many times I was not alone when I thought I was. Blessings to you and God has certainly given you the gift of expressing yourself in words. What you wrote was beautiful.


  8. Anyone who can write a post like this most certainly is “eloquent.” And how well timed it was for me. In the midst of the terrifying event of our lives, we are finding peace, comfort and most importantly, hope. On the other side of this, we will live differently and much more deliberately for the remainder of our days on this earth! Lovely post, thank you!!


  9. So true, Kimberly. We do need step outside of our comfort zone and be stretched!I have become more confident of myself and caring less what others may think of me if I don't meet their expectations, as I have grown older. I am doing things now that I used to wish that I could do… I'm growing up, I guess!


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