Dreary Day

It rained last night and has been dreary all day. Since it was only 50 this morning
I built myself a fire. No, no ‘love’ fire today. DH was already out working on the
MIL camp by the time I decided I was either going to dig out the mittens to put on
my cold hands or break down and build a fire for myself. I did hint at him building
it when he came in for something, but only got a look that indicated he thought I
was nuts.  So what have I accomplished today? Very little. As you can see I’ve spent
a lot of time drinking tea today. I am showing my tea cup for Vee at A Haven for Vee
to check out, as I think we have the same dish set.


This is the other thing that occupied my time today. I played my you-tube ‘autumn leaves’ several times. It was really good exercise for me. I would hit play, run and put the toast down. Run back hit play again, only different pictures this time, eat my toast. Then turn on HGTV (no volume),
listen to ‘autumn leaves’ again. I put a load of clothes in the washer, back to hit play again.
Well, you get the picture! I did this at least 6 times, so I definitely got my arobics workout  done
for today and for once actually even enjoyed the exercise!
                  Jumping to a new subject.
Now that I have most of the poofy paisley quilted I am thinking about the picture arrangement
for over our bed. This is my inspiration. The photo doesn’t do it justice. The background is a
wee bit more vibrant, minty green. I’m hoping to find a shabby, floral fabric to make the shams
out of. I bought a metal medallion with my initial on it in Michigan on my way down to the
reunion. It was from a old cooking stove made in ‘K’alamazoo. Then I also have an old
floral wrought iron medallion that I plan to put my DH’s initial on. So many idea’s, but
at the rate I seem to move lately, I may have it done by Christmas! Are you working on
any home decorating projects right now? Or are you like me, always got some kind of
          an iron in the fire?
          Take care friends,

20 thoughts on “Dreary Day

  1. I think that beautiful quilt will brighten up any dull day. I love it and can't wait to see the finished product on your bed! The rose print is really pretty too. A wood fire sure is cozy. I have to turn up the electric heat but not yet. The only thing I'm doing is decorating for fall the past few days. Blessings, Pamela


  2. I am really in the mood for a dreary day. 50 degrees and rainy sounds wonderful when here today it is 92 and humid. I really like your quilt and your cup. I hope you post pictures of your finished project. I work on my outside of the house more than the inside. Now that you mention it. I keep it clean but I think I like the way I have every thing, well, except I move furniture. I love moving furniture which I did yesterday. I will be thinking of you when I go outside to water and feed and come back in sweating. 🙂 I am glad that I know someone who is having fall. Have a wonderful week.


  3. Oh how wonderful a cool dreary quiet day sounds….still pretty hot here. In the 90's…I do feel like some cooler weather. I LOVE LOVE the cup and saucer…how pretty is that? Looking forward to finished product!


  4. I think we will be getting some of your cooler weather by this weekend. I always enjoy a cup of herbal tea when it's chilly in the house..I love how it warms my hands.I don't have any decorating projects on the agenda as yet as I'm still de-cluttering. When My kids grew up and left home they left behind so much which they asked me to hold onto. After almost ten years I think it is pretty certain that it is time they take it all to their places so I am sorting and boxing it all up 🙂 I'm looking forward to seeing the new quilt amde form that pretty fabric!


  5. Your cozy fire sounds wonderful and so does the tea. I always have too many irons in the fire which is probably why I don't get anything finished. I am definitely a better starter than finisher. I love the quilt and the print. I agree with everyone and can't wait to see it all come together. Patty


  6. Our weather had warmed up after a few cooler days, but it's supposed to cool down again. I'm not sure it will be cool enough for a fire, tho. I have several projects in mind, but I keep getting sidetracked. The bathroom project will hopefully be starting before long. I've been wanting a new bedspread or quilt but haven't been able to find anything I like really well yet. That will mean new window treatments and wall decor, no doubt. Your quilt fabric is very pretty and so is the print. That is what I need to have…an inspiration piece! Hope you show us the finished quilt. ~Cheryl


  7. Hi Kimberly, I followed you over from Daisy's blog. I live in GA. Last week we had some cooler temps and a fire and hot tea would have been welcome! Love your tea cup! The picture for over your bed is beautiful. I love old, vintage floral prints.We recently downsized and I'm trying to get motivated to pull out Autumn decorations!Have a great day.


  8. Your warm fire sounds so cozy. My ac is running right now. The cooler days were hushed away and the heat has returned…sniff. I am looking forward to some cooler days, like you, I have a little list of home ideas, and one includes stripping a table and four chairs. Just can't do that in the heat. I pulled out my star quilt top and hopefully will have it quilted later today. While at the orthodontist this morning, I hope to finish my chocolate scarf. :o)Have a lovely day.Sincerely, Trish


  9. Hi there. I've been following for a little while and decided it was time to chime in! I really want new bedding and window treatments but can't seem to find anything that I like that doesn't cost a fortune. Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out. I do love that print too!ReneeAustin, TXPS – send some cool temps and rain to Texas please!!


  10. Yes, Kimberly, it's the very same set. Friendly Village by Johnson Bros. My paternal grandmother started collecting her set in the 40s and she could purchase her settings much more cheaply in Canada so whenever she heard of anyone going over the border, she gave them a ten dollar bill and told them to pick up as much as they could. My mother was on lots of those excursions. The remainder of my set has been picked up here and there at flea markets and antique shops. I especially love mine in winter, though I do have the large dinner plates that reflect all the seasons. I'm going back to listen to Autumn Leaves. Cold makes me lethargic so I hope that you get more love fires and soon. ☺


  11. Sounds perfectly dreamy.. fire, tea and music. We are cutting our leashes this weekend and actually going somewhere. It's supposed to be cool and rainy and I don't even care.. it'll be nice to get away.


  12. I think your day sounded quite nice with all things I like, a cup of tea, good music,good fire. Like you, I have so many ideas and things to do, yet nothing is really getting done. Can't wait to see how some of your projects turn out. Get busy!!


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