Signs of Spring

  You can’t imagine my surprise yesterday when I saw an Otter
swimming by on the lake. He was so……cute! I didn’t have time
race into the house, to get the camera, and get a shot myself. But
here is a photo I found on line.
Let me tell you the little fellow was swimming so fast, I’m sure
he didn’t get very much further before he had to take a little
breather like this poor, sleepy fellow did.
I did have time to get a shot of a couple of birds feeding
atop our ‘hot tub’.
Another sign that spring is nearer-Mr. Blue Jay!

A common enough looking bird.
But I’m afraid I don’t know it’s name, do you?
I do know this sweet fellows name.
Our precious little g’son, Reece. He sure has grown since
Christmas when he was here visiting. Maybe you remember
 him. I know he’s sure ready for spring.
Although I know it’s a ways off until my chives look like
this photo I had taken last year, I was encouraged to see
green at the base of  the plant already. Yeah!!
I know many of you that live further south are
already enjoying your bulbs, and lilacs, and such.
But this is all really impressive to me considering
it’s still just barely hovering above freezing here!
I’m off for a full day of errands and shopping now.
Just what do you have planned for the day?

23 thoughts on “Signs of Spring

  1. No Spring here, I'm hoping April is better to us than March. Reece is adorable and yes, he has grown. That is the problem with g'kids they don't stay small!Have fun errand running and remind us when you are moving!! hugs!


  2. Hi Kimberly, I too am seeing signs of Spring everyday. Loving every single one of them. My chives are up tall, but not blooms yet. My herb garden is one of my favorite places to clean up in the Spring. What a rewarding smell. Little guy is a cutie. I can see that he has stolen grandmas heart for sure. The otter pics are too cute!Hugs,Jann


  3. Otters are so cute and I've never seen one in the wild…you were blessed. Your grandson is very darling, too. They do grow fast!Next up for me? Washing the dog…oh joy unspeakable!Hope you're having a great day.


  4. It won't be long until the seals start to produce pups – I love to go down to see the 'nursery' rocks.Spring seems to be on its way to your corner of the world!


  5. Aren't otters fun to watch? They are such social little creatures with each other, too. Your grandson is darling. He is getting BIG! Still cold here, too, Kimberly! Wish we had a little of that Southern heat! xo Diana


  6. Well, the day is done as I've just read this post and I'm off to bed. Ladies Bible study tomorrow afternoon and a blog post to finish in the morning. Have a good night and Tuesday! Oh, I have also noticed the new life under the leaf mulch in the gardens. It makes me happy!


  7. I love otters and those pictures are too cute! Sorry, I'm not sure about that bird either. Your grandson is so cute and what a great name.Yes…I have had to turn on the ac here it got so warm. It rained this morning though and now the sun is out and it's a bit cooler. I have the windows open and it's beautiful out.


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