Photos of Christmas Past


I’m not sure if any of you will remember but this is my first Christmas without my Mom and Dad. To be accurate, Dad passed away two weeks before Christmas last year and then Mom in February.
Because we had lived away for over twenty-seven years, I didn’t get to spend many Christmas’s with my parents after we had moved.  But there were the weekly phone calls and my yearly Spring and Fall trips back. And until they were too old to travel they would visit us every summer too.
Anyway, I am really missing them… 
 The above photos are blurred as my husbands old computer uses bitmap, which doesn’t improve on an already old photo.
But in looking back over the photo it is sad to see how many of our family has already passed on.
My Mom & Dad I already mentioned. My Aunt Vi is gone. My sister and brother in-law have both passed. And my sisters son, Lee, died in a car accident many years ago.
This makes me realise how fragile our life really is and how quickly our lives can take a turn. And also how our life is always changing.
I am  thankful that although the loved ones who were a huge part of my life are gone, I still have and will always have the Lord with me.
He will never leave me, nor forsake me-Hebrews 13:5
 And he has sent a Comforter to help me through those rough times-John 14:16
What has really helped me with the sadness I have been feeling this holiday is to dwell on the memories of all the good times that we had shared together.
It has made me realise even more what a gift they were in my life!
I’ve  been able to find joy in recalling all of the fun times we shared together over all of the years, and especially those at Christmas time.
May your Christmas also be filled with joy, my friends.

23 thoughts on “Photos of Christmas Past

  1. Lovely words Kimberly, and although we miss family members, at Christmas it seems to be so much more. Yes, life is fragile, joy and happiness can be transient, and when blog friends care and share in all of that, our lives are so much richer. A Joyous Christmas to you and yours, fond greetings from Jean


  2. So sorry about your parents. Both of my parents died in 2009–my dad in January and my mom in November, so that first Christmas especially was hard. Those sad feelings have eased up a bit, but I still miss them terribly, especially at this time of year. The good memories help, though.Blessings to you, especially as you go through this first Christmas without them.


  3. It is a sad time, that's for sure.What a treasure to have pictures to remember those Christmas' past.I love looking at everyone's family pictures of years ago. I don't have any from my past but they remind me of my experiences.Bless you and your family!


  4. A number of my blogging friends are going through this season of firsts having lost a parent this year. They would so agree with you, Kimberly. Everything is different; everything changes; and it never feels quite right again. I think this only means that those we have loved are always a part of us and we will see them again. What would it mean if we could go blithely on without a second thought? Your faith reflects exactly your heart. I am helped by it and my mother has been gone nearly three years. May you have many wonderful memories to comfort you whenever you need them.


  5. Hi KimberlyI miss my mum and dad to even though my dad has been gone for 18 years and my mum 5 years but I still miss them every day . That's why photos and memories are so important to keep . Lovely old photos, oh maybe try taking photos of the photos I used to do that before we got the scanner it works pretty good . Thanks for sharing with us . Hope you have a good Christmas .


  6. Sweet Kimberly,I love your family Christmas pictures over the years. It's hard this time of year when you lose a family member to really get into the Christmas spirit. This is the first year I'm dealing with a loss just before Christmas. I miss my Dad, we were close. One thing I do know, your Dad, Mom and my Dad are together watching over us enjoying a nice hot cup of hot chocolate. Let's both reflect on past good times, and memories to help us with this Christmas season.Sending hugs to you and yours. Merry Christmas my friend.


  7. Christmas is such a wonderful time of year full of fun things and the joy of giving…Along with that though, there is always some sadness that tugs at our hearts, happy memories, yes, but those catch in our throats as our lives continue to change year by year. You have such a good attitude and a close relationship with our Savior…the saving grace for us all.Wishing you a sweet Christmas full of all of the best memories and new ones too in your new home.Much love and big hugs to you my friend. xo


  8. OH –I know how much you miss your parents. Mine have been gone for a long time and I still miss them… Christmas can be so joyful and yet it has its sad times –when we remember those we have lost… God Bless You.Merry Christmas.Hugs,Betsy


  9. Holidays change for us over the years as our families go through changes, moving, marrying, and yes, passing on. But we always have our memories and it spurs us on to make the most of the time we have. With friends and family that remain and with a deeper appreciation for the blessings God has given us. We will see our loved ones again, and that s a comfort too.


  10. Oh Kimberly, this is going to be a hard Christmas for you. You are right to focus on the good times of the past even if through tears. God be with you my friend and I wish you a very blessed Christmas. Warm hugs, Pam


  11. Blessings to you this Christmas, Kimberly. I know you will miss those family members who have gone before us. I have several missing this year too. But it is true, we are never alone and God does comfort us. Wishing you a merry Christmas!


  12. I've been thinking about those who have gone on before me as well, this holiday season. It makes for a different tone for the holidays, doesn't it? May the God of all Comfort bless you beyond measure this holiday season, Kimberly. –Pat


  13. Your post has moved me to tears as I think about this first Christmas without my sweet mom as well. Soo many memories bubble to the service almost constantly, and how I thank God for them, as they make her seem close. How grateful I am that we both have the Lord and His promises to cling too. We will see them again, and in the meantime we have all these sweet memories to dwell on whenever we should want to. Yes, that knowledge brings me joy in the midst of my hurting heart. Wishing you and yours a blessed and Merry Christmas! HUGS


  14. I know you are missing your loved ones and that Christmases are just never quite the same without them. My parents and brothers and his parents have all been gone several years now, but I still miss them, especially during the holidays. I still have my dear aunt and uncle, tho elderly, who will come for Christmas Day. That is a blessing and I'm so glad they will be here with my children, hubby and I. May your memories bring you comfort this year without your parents. Wishing you a blessed Christmas! Hugs, Cheryl


  15. My parents are gone too, and I realize now how much effort my Mom put into making a nice Christmas for us, even after we were grown and gone. She was an avid crafter and I have so many Christmas ornaments that she made so I get to honor her when I decorate the tree. (In fact, we had a basket of them at her memorial ceremonial so each guest could take one home, and now each Christmas lots of people honor her.)


  16. Yes, Kimberly all of the special memories help to ease the pain. I miss my mom terribly, but love to think about how much she loved Christmas. One of my older sisters hubby just passed three days ago. So hard to lose someone close to Christmas! Keep those fond memories close!hugs,Jann


  17. Enjoyed all your photos, so precious each one. This can be a hard time of year for so many, especially in missing our loved ones.Wishing you a Merry Christmas my friend…Hugs!


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