A Fond Farewell

Hello Friends!

I want to take this opportunity to say a fond farewell to all of my blogging friends. If you’ve followed my blog you will have noticed that I haven’t been a very faithful blogger for some time now. In fact I have been struggling with whether I should continue or quit for at least a year.

As a Christian I didn’t make this decision lightly…I’ve been praying about it for some time. I know it is time to quit. There is no personal crisis happening in my life that is causing me to leave blogging, but personal reasons that I don’t wish to share.

I want to say a huge thank you to all of my faithful friends who have followed my blogs these many years. Some of you were with me right from the beginning, June 21, 2011. Having your friendship over these years has brought such joy to my life. I feel like I know many of you like a neighbor, probably better! I’ve loved being invited into your homes, getting to know your families, seeing your projects, learning what books you recommend for reading, what recipes you like to share, and all the wonderful and interesting facets of your lives. Although I don’t plan to post any longer you’ll not get rid of me easily. I will be around to visit you on occasion and drop by to leave an occasional comment. Who knows, maybe sometime in the future I may return to blogging. Never say never, right? 

In closing, I pray God’s blessings be with you for this new year and beyond, my friends.


23 thoughts on “A Fond Farewell

  1. Hoping for all the best for you as you move into the future, Kimberly. I found you fairly recently, but always enjoyed your posts. You will be missed.


  2. I have enjoyed sharing friendship with you Kimberly. I totally understand what you are feeling. Glad you will still be around to visit. I will miss you.


    1. I will miss all of you great ladies too. But I will be in touch, I don’t want to miss any of your wonderful home ideas!


  3. I’ll miss you but I understand. And if you decide to change your mind later on, you can always come back. You’ve sure inspired me with your beautiful blog and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you over the years. Sending you lots of hugs and wishing you both a Happy New Year! Please keep in touch! Sweet hugs, Diane


  4. That’s right. Never say never. I am glad that you are leaving me with a glimmer of hope here. I do get it. I have felt similarly myself. Many blessings, Kim. Stay in touch as much as you are able. Say, was it you who gave me a vintage dress for a little girl?


  5. Have been following you, Kimberly, just very recently. Your blog has been very inspiring and am glad that you will be in touch from time to time. All blessings to you and your future endeavors. Personally I will miss your crafty ideas and swaps.


  6. My dear, sweet Kimberly, how I will miss you! You have been such a ray of sunshine in my life. I completely understand your need to step away from blogging and I admire your desire to see the Lord in the matter….you are a wise woman.

    You truly are a joy, my dear. I would love to keep in touch via email 🙂 Much love!


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